Advertise in the
Comedy Glasgow Newsletter

Explore advertising opportunities with Comedy Glasgow, a dynamic weekly email newsletter showcasing upcoming comedy events cherished by locals.
Promote your product or service to a local audience actively seeking valuable recommendations.


Subscribers | ~ 5,400
Email open/click rate | ~ 81%/28%
Reader base | 77% Glasgow, 16% rest of Scotland & 7% other
Newsletter frequency | Once weekly
Ads per issue | Three placements

Available ad options

In each issue of CG, there are three distinct advertising slots strategically positioned at the top, middle & bottom of the newsletter.
First ad placement – £75
This ad placement appears in the top section of each issue, below the main featured event.
Second ad placement – £55
This ad placement appears in the second section of each issue.
Third ad placement – £40
The third & final ad placement appears at the bottom of each issue, just above the footer.

Make a booking

Click on the button below to view the current ad calendar, then on any available slot to book your ads. If all ad placements are currently booked, add your email address to our waitlist below.


If you find all ad placements in CG are sold out, add your email address below to receive an email update whenever slots become available. (Your email address won’t be added to any other lists).

For questions or concerns, please contact us via